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Pickens Metal Works

We started racing Jr Dragsters in 1992. We built our own chassis and engine then and still do today as we now have a new generation of drivers. Robert Pickens is the fabricator/welder. Along the way, he started making and selling custom Jr Dragster headers and today we are the leading manufacturer of Jr Dragster headers in the world. We are best known for our beautiful chrome headers. If you have bought a new engine from Nic Woods Racing, Craws Racing, Caheely Performance, Jim Rogers Racing, among others, you probably got a PMW header with it. Ryan Pickens is the machinist who creates all those fancy milled aluminum parts. Tiffany Pickens, Robert’s wife, and Ron Pickens, the father that started all this craziness, help out a little on the fabricating but mainly takes care of the business side of things.

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